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Referral Period & Testing Dates

Referral Period and Testing Dates

Referral and Testing Process of Kindergarten -12th grade

The referral period for testing in the 2024/2025 school year will be open from January 6th through January 31st.  See “Highly Capable Forms” link in the left column 


In order to have a student assessed for the Highly Capable Program, students must live within the Tumwater School District boundary, be at least in kindergarten, complete a Referral packet including parent signature, and submit all of the required documents to the Student Learning Department prior to the deadline of January 31st at 4:30 p.m.

Referral Process

Students may be referred by themselves, other students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community members.  Written parent/guardian permission is required prior to testing.  Referred students will be tested using the Cognitive abilities Test (CogAT).  The test administrators and proctors are trained to look for any barriers to a true picture of a child’s cognitive ability, especially for the under-served or under–represented populations of our District.  Barriers could be emerging English language, cultural background or any other factor that might distort the test.  Proctors will make a note of any discrepancy on a student’s test and then share with the Program Administrator.  If there is a reason to believe that we need to look at the child’s ability in some other way, the information will be reviewed by the Multidisciplinary Team.

Students may be nominated once in elementary (grades K-5), once in middle school (grades 6-8), and once in high school (grades 9-12). All students in second and fifth grades will be universally screened.


The Highly Capable Program offers several options for students throughout the district.  Students in kindergarten through second grade will remain at their home school and receive services through their classroom teacher.  Students in grades 3-5 have the option of remaining in their home school, or attending a self-contained full-time program located at Michael T. Simmons Elementary.  Students in Middle and High School have course offerings to meet their needs.  These programs and services are for students who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others of their age, experiences, or environments.  The CogAT serves as one tool in the screening process for the program.

Please note: Private/individual testing cannot be used in place of the group CogAT test.  All students wanting acceptance into the Highly Capable Program must take the CogAT given by Tumwater School District proctors.