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Appeals Process

Appeals Process

Decisions of the Multidisciplinary Team can be appealed only in the same school year in which the student was tested.

Appeals may only be made upon one of the following conditions:

  1. An extraordinary circumstance occurred during testing that may have negatively affected the validity of the test results (i.e., traumatic event or an illness preventing completion of the test).  (Note: The Student Learning office must be notified immediately on the day of testing of the extraordinary circumstance).
  2. A misapplication or miscalculation of the assessment data by the selection committee due to an incorrect birth date or grade level used in calculating the student’s score.

The following procedures are in place for an appeal:

  1. An appeal form is available through the Student Learning Office.
  2. All completed appeal forms and supporting evidence must be submitted to the Student Learning office within 15 school days of the MDT’s decision notification. Outside cognitive testing or evaluations will not be accepted as supporting documentation for the appeals process.
  3. The appeal will be initially reviewed by the Student Learning office shortly after the appeals deadline. At that time, the Student Learning office will render a decision either to deny the appeal or approve retesting of the student based on the evidence provided. A written summary of the initial review and decision will be sent to the person filing the appeal, and a copy of the summary will also be included in the student’s highly capable testing file.
  4. Students retesting will have their results reviewed by the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) within two weeks after close of the retesting window.
  5. A written summary of MDT’s findings will be sent to the person filing the appeal within four days of the MDT’s decision, and a copy of the appeal and summary of findings will be included in the student's highly capable testing file.
  6. The decision of the MDT on all appeals is final.


The Appeal Form is available on the Highly Capable Forms page.

Please mail, e-mail, fax, or deliver the completed appeal form to the Student Learning office at:

Tumwater School District
Office of Student Learning
621 Linwood Avenue SW 
Tumwater, WA 98512
Fax: 360-709-7032
