Tumwater's Data
Tumwater's Data
The indicators below have been identified by our School Board as important to monitor. District wide data are presented on this page. For school level data, including historic or trend data, please use the links below to visit the OSPI web site. Public data are also available for download.
Student enrollment and demographics have changed over time. The links below show annual demographic and program participation for students, as well as demographic information for teachers. These data points may be used as a reference for other data on this page.
On-Time Graduation
The OSPI definition of on-time graduation is "Graduation rate is based on a cohort of students. The cohort is made up of all students who start 9th grade together. Students who transfer into or out of a school are added or removed from the cohort. If students stop attending school, they are counted as 'drop outs'. If students have met graduation requirements, they are counted as 'graduates'. If students don't graduate but are still attending, they are considered 'continuing'. Students are tracked through their 7th year in high school." The links below show on-time graduation rates, which means that students finished all graduation requirements within four years of starting ninth grade. To learn more about graduation requirements, please visit the OSPI web site.
Grade 9 - On-Track
Students who are "on track" to graduate at the end of ninth grade are more likely to earn a diploma. Ninth graders are considered on track if they passed all credits they attempted in 9th grade. Please visit the OSPI web site to learn more about ninth grade success.
Student Achievement
We use Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics to evaluate student achievement. Up to 1% of our student population takes an alternate assessment in these subject areas using WA-AIM. Due to school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic, no state assessments were administered during the 2020 school year. Student assessment for the 2021 school year will take place in the Fall of 2021.
English Language Arts
Advanced Programs
Students may select advanced learning options, such as dual credit. These programs allow students to earn credit for their high school diploma and toward a college degree at the same time. The Dual Credit rate is the percent of students completing at least one of these classes. In our district, this includes Running Start, CTE Dual Credit (formerly Tech Prep), College in High School, and Advanced Placement. Students can enroll in more than one type of dual credit course. You can learn more about dual credit programs on the OSPI website.
Other students may be placed into the district's Highly Capable Program. This program serves students in all schools and grade levels. Please visit our district program page for more information.
For more information, these links will take you to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction report card for our district.
The OSPI Report Card includes student enrollment, student performance, attendance, student discipline, employee information, financial data, and more.
- Elementary School OSPI Report Cards
Black Lake | East Olympia | Littlerock | Michael T Simmons | Peter G Schmidt | Tumwater Hill
- Middle School OSPI Report Cards
- High School OSPI Report Cards
- Alternative Learning Experiences OSPI Report Cards