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  • About Us
    The Assessment team supports student goal achievement by designing, implementing, and promoting systems to get reliable data that supports data-informed instructional decision-making so that students can reach their graduation goals.

    How We Serve 

    The Assessment team works with schools to build a balanced and efficient system of assessment. Our systems incorporate state required and district-selected assessments that educators can use to measure student learning and identify interventions to prepare each student for their future after high school.

    Reliable student testing: Getting good data 

    Our team builds a cohesive system of assessment in support of educators and in compliance with administration protocols. Ensuring our efforts reflect accountability guidelines, we deploy efficient training opportunities, offer comprehensive resources and support, and guide formative and summative assessment practices to build a holistic picture of student learning.  

    Data-informed instructional decisions: Applying the data
    Our team compiles and submits state required reports to ensure our data collection and progress monitoring tools are capturing necessary details. These reports are often pivotal for building leaders to quantify goals and track progress across school years. We provide building leaders with access to intuitive data dashboards displaying student assessment scores so they can make informed decisions. 

    Graduation Pathways  Governance: Supporting student graduation goals
    Our team monitors legislative activity, communicates changes to state rules affecting graduation requirements, and supports high school administrators and counselors in their commitment to helping students reach their graduation goals. 

    Secondary FunctionsOur team stays up-to-date on the latest resources to provide assessment, professional development and support opportunities
    throughout the year. We also manage assessment delivery and reporting systems.