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Board Meeting Materials

Agendas and materials are released the Friday before a meeting. These  materials, many in draft form, will be presented to the Board at the meeting scheduled to be held the following week.  

Once the meeting has occurred, an updated version of the agenda and/or packet will be posted. This version of the packet will contain any materials that were updated to include accurate/up-to-date information, any documents/presentations not available at the time of the previous posting. All documents included in this version that required a vote will have been acted upon by the Board.

Please Note:  Minutes contain details of actions taken by the Board. The minutes contained in each packet below are a draft of the minutes taken during the previous meeting. Once minutes have been approved, they will be posted as a separate document and can be viewed HERE. Because minutes must be approved by the Board at a Regular Board Meeting prior to publishing, there is a delay in minutes being official and available to the public as approved. If you have interest in action taken by the Board prior to the minutes being available, you can access the video recording of the meeting HERE.

Agendas and minutes from February 2024 to current are posted on the Board Docs software program and linked from the district website (see Board Agendas & Minutes icon/link below).

diligent community


See below for documents prior to the implementation of BoardDocs (see above).