My TRL (Timberland Library Partnership)
MyTRL Library Card Partnership
We are excited to share that the Tumwater School District (TSD) and the Timberland Regional Library (TRL) have formed a partnership to provide students access to a wider range and depth of information via the library’s vast electronic services collection.
After hearing of the implementation of “MyTRL” in neighboring school districts, we opened the conversation with TRL to find how and when our students could be the beneficiaries of “MyTRL” – an online-only Timberland library card. The “MyTRL” program, officially launched November 13, 2017, providing our students in elementary, middle and high school with access to the public library’s large and updated collection of research resources, eBooks, digital magazines, downloadable music, videos, and kids and teen homework help. This program is modeled after other similar library/school district partnerships statewide.
About MyTRL
MyTRL allows for students to view and check out electronic library resources that are automatically returned, so no fines incur. Students can also upgrade their online only library card to a regular library card with a parent's permission and verification of the address and contact information. Students who already have a regular TRL card may continue to use it as well as the TSD digital card.
Parents may choose to opt out of the MyTRL program at any time via the District's Skyward Family Access portal (see instructions linked below) or in person at their child's school.
Teacher-librarians have been trained on accessing the MyTRL services and how to help students access their new accounts. Please direct questions to your child's school teacher-librarian.
Students should bookmark the link to MyTRL by clicking on the star in the far right side of the URL box where the web address goes. They will be prompted to name and save the bookmark. They should call it MyTRL. When they enter their password, they should save their username and password so they don’t need to put it in when asked again. Some of the databases will ask for the user name and password again, so saving it is essential.
Students access it with the following login:
USERNAME: TSD student ID + birth month (2 digits) + birth year (4 digits)
PIN: birth month + birth day
Example of a student login:
Birthday 04/30/2008, TSD #1234567
Username: 1234567042008
Password: 0430
Link to login page:
MyTRL Resources En Espanol
Letter to Parents 10-2017 regarding MyTRL Carta a los padres
FAQ's for Families Preguntas frecuentes para los padres de familia/tutores
FAQ's for Students Preguntas frecuentes para los etudiantes
How to edit your Skyward Family Access Preference for MyTRL Como editar en Skyward