Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Are you being bullied? We want to help. All students have the right to feel safe at school!
To help you, we need you to tell us what is happening. You can report bullying to any teacher or other adult working at your school. You can also fill out a report form and turn it in to any teacher or other adult working at your school.
Below are links to the report forms. You can print the form, answer the questions and then turn it into any teacher or other adult at your school. You can also get the forms at your school. Ask any school adult for help if you can’t find the form or need help filling out the form.
Below is the policy and procedure for the District. You do not need to read the policy and procedures to talk with teachers or other school adults or to fill out a report form. These are only provided for those who are interested. Your school office can make copies for you if you request them.
Useful Websites for More Information:
www.StopBullying.gov - This U.S. Government website is managed by the departments of Health & Human Services, Education and Justice. There are materials here for both kids and adults.
https://www.k12.wa.us/student-success/health-safety/school-safety-center - This is our WA State Superintendent of Public Instruction Safety Center website.