Special Education Programs
Tumwater School District Special Services is committed to providing a continuum of services within the district that are reflective of the needs of each student with disabilities. The following is a brief summary of our K-12 programs. The use of a specific program for a student is an IEP team decision based on data and student need.
RESOURCE (includes pull-out classes, push-in, co-teaching model or consult model)
- Most common type of programming used for students with disabilities.
- Available at every elementary, middle and high school.
- Students participate primarily in general education classes for least restrictive environment access.
- Special education services may be delivered in the general education environment or in a special education class, dependent on student need.
- Primarily for "high incidence" disabilities such as Specific Learning Disability, Other Health Impairment or Communication Disorder but services are not dependent on a specific category of qualification.
EBD PROGRAM (Emotional Behavioral Disabilities)
- Needed for only a small percentage of students exhibiting intensive externalizing or internalizing behaviors that have not improved through prior interventions.
- Available at Tumwater Hill Elementary, Tumwater Middle School and Tumwater High School.
- Best for students needing explicit social/emotional/behavioral instruction in a more restrictive setting to meet their FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education)
- Needed for only a small percentage of students with cognitive needs, adaptive needs, and/or other related areas requiring significant support to access their education.
- Available at Black Lake Elementary, Bush Middle School and Black Hills High School.
- Primarily for "low incidence and high delay" disabilities such as Intellectual Disabilities or Multiple Disabilities but not dependent on a specific category of qualification.
RISE PROGRAM (Reaching Independence through Supports and Education)
- Needed for a small percentage of students with intensive needs in communication and social skills associated with autism-like characteristics.
- Available at Peter G. Schmidt Elementary, Michael T. Simmons Elementary, Bush Middle School, Tumwater Middle School and Tumwater High School.
- Primarily for students with a Development Delay or Autism qualification but not dependent on a specific category of qualification.
- Best for students needing explicit instruction in social/emotional/behavioral skills and communication in a more restrictive setting to meet their FAPE.
LINCS PROGRAM (Learning Independence by Networking, Community and School)
Small special education program for students from age 18 up to age 22 with significantly low adaptive and vocational needs who have not yet graduated.
Available at one location: LINCS building next to district office.
Program begins after the student's 12th grade year (or later if more time is needed at their high school setting as determined by the student's IEP team).
Best for students seeking a job and community access as an adult.
Best for students who have or will qualify for WA state DDA (Developmental Disabilities Administration) support.
Students must have a transition plan designating the need for additional support past high school before entry into the LINCS Program.
Related Services/Therapies
- Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy available at each school.
- Very low incident sensory-based needs such as Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Vision or Mobility services delivered at student's assigned school.
- Other Related Services needed to progress toward specially designed instructional goals may also be available to student's based on individual need.