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Early Childhood Program & Child Find





The Tumwater School District offers the Early Childhood Learning Program (ECLC). Educational and family support services are available to children from preschool age (3-5 years old).

Birth-Three Services: Tumwater School District partners with South Sound Parent to Parent. South Sound Parent to Parent provides Early Intervention and Family Resources Coordination Programs serving families who have children under 3 with developmental delays. If you suspect your child may have a developmental delay and is currently under the age of 3 years old, please call South Sound Parent to Parent at 360-352-1126.

South Sound Parent to Parent

Preschool Programs: Our preschool program has moved to five elementary schools; Black Lake Elementary,  East Olympia Elementary, Michael T. Simmons's Elementary (Opened in Feb. 2024), Peter G. Schmidt Elementary and Tumwater Hill Elementary. Both students with disabilities and non-disabled peers attend our preschool program. Preschool classes are held Monday-Thursday for 2.5 hours (AM and PM Sessions). There is no preschool on Fridays. Fridays are reserved for team collaboration and curriculum planning. 

Sessions at Peter G. Schmidt Elementary and Tumwater Hill Elementary:

AM: 8:30am-11:15am

PM: 12:15pm-3:00pm 

Sessions at East Olympia Elementary:

AM: 8:45am-11:30am

PM: 12:30pm-3:15pm

Sessions at Black Lake Elementary: 

AM: 8:45am-11:30am

PM: 12:30pm-3:15pm

Sessions at Michael T. Simmons's Elementary: 

AM: 8:40 am-11:25am

PM: 12:25pm-3:10pm

Children with Special Needs: Students with developmental concerns may be referred at any time for evaluation by family or by a community member (doctors, therapist, etc). Developmental evaluations address skills in cognition, communication, motor, social and adaptive skills. Evaluations are conducted by a multi-disciplinary team. Eligibility is based on federal and state regulations. Students who qualify for specially designed instruction may receive support from special education preschool teachers, speech/language therapists, occupational/physical therapists, and other specialists based on individual needs. Students eligible for and in need of specially designed instruction will have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) describing the student's goals, support and services. There is no tuition for preschool for students with special needs, and transportation is provided within school district boundaries. 

Child Find Screening: Childfind screenings will be held monthly with a multidisciplinary team involved (preschool teachers, specialists, psychologists) to screen students suspected of a developmental delay. Parents will be encouraged to sign up for the Child Find if they suspect a developmental delay for screening unless the referral comes from a medical professional or other developmental professional. Developmental screenings help us to determine which areas may be in need of further assessment. Families with children on the referral list are contacted to schedule and confirm screening and/or assessment appointments. Please contact us to schedule a Child Find appointment. 

We are now taking appointments for our January 10th-Child Find event. Child Find Screenings book up fast. Families must have a completed Preschool Intake Form filled out to secure an appointment. We do not accept walk-in's. 
DISCLAIMER: Due to limited Child Find assessment spots, we ask that parents submit a Preschool Intake Form as soon as possible. We can't secure an appointment for your child, until we receive a completed Preschool Intake Form. please do not delay this step. Failure to provide us with an intake form in a timely manner will delay your child from being screened. 

Transfer Students: If you are moving to the Tumwater School District and have a preschool-age child with an IEP, we will meet with you to review your child's evaluation and IEP to determine appropriate placement. Please contact us at to determine the "next steps" in transferring your child's records to our district. Welcome to Tumwater School District!

Non-disabled Peers: Non-disabled peers must be 4 years old prior to Sept. 1. to enroll. Priority for peers goes to students living in each school's attendance area. Parents need to provide transportation for typically developing students. We charge tuition for most peers. Tuition is $280/month, effective 7/1/2023. Families may qualify for tuition assistance based off income requirements. If interested in our Peer Model Program, please email us at for more information

Peer Model Program for the 24-25 school year: We have fulfilled all Peer Model spots. 

Peer Model Program for the 25-26 school year: We will start accepting intakes in January 2025. For information about the Peer Model Program, please email us at 

Out of District families: At this time, we are not able to offer preschool placement to children who live outside the Tumwater School District boundaries. Families are encouraged to reach out to their neighborhood district in which they reside. 

Transition to Kindergarten: Students who turn 5 prior to Sept. 1 are eligible for kindergarten. Most students transitioning from preschool programs to kindergarten will register and enroll in their neighborhood school. Neighborhood schools are determined by the address at which the child sleeps/resides most nights of the week.

Kindergarten students with special education needs receive specially designed instruction and other services as part of their instructional day. Services are provided based on each child's IEP (Individualized Education Program), which is developed by the parents and school team. 

Some kindergartners may require a more specialized program, as determined individually by each student's IEP team. For kindergarten students who require a more specialized program, parents will collaborate with school team members to determine the appropriate program. 

For Transitional Kindergarten information please contact Student Learning at (360) 709-7030.