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Children with Disabilities

Children with disabilities (birth to age 22) who qualify for Special Education Services have a wide range of programs available based on their particular need. Special education services are delivered in regular classrooms and in self-contained and resource room settings. Services are available at all schools including but not limited to: speech/language therapy, occupational and physical therapy, psychological assessment, and home-bound instruction. Programs may be on a Tumwater District site or at another educational location.

Every student who receives special education must have an Individual Education Program (IEP) developed by teachers, parents, and other professionals. For more information, contact Special Services at 360-709-7040.

Before Considering Special Education 

Keep in mind that not all students who perform below grade level are in need of special education.  Tumwater School district understands that students come to school with a variety of academic readiness and social/emotional/behavioral skills.  Students may learn at different rates as well.  Proactive supports are available to meet the needs of a variety of students.  When you are concerned with your child's progress, please reach out directly to your child's teacher first.  Share your concerns and explore what supports and interventions may help your child be more successful prior to considering the need for Special Education.

Children with Disabilities FAQs

Often times a parent of a child with a problem or challenge that interferes with his or her ability to be successful in school will be unsure of who to talk with about those concerns. This is often because they don't know where to go to ask questions about Special Education, they don't know who to ask, or even what to ask.

The following information is intended to cover the basics.  A copy of your rights under the law is available at:  In addition, you will receive a copy of your rights upon the completion of a referral on your child.

We recognize that the process can feel overwhelming and want to do all we can to make the process clear and understandable to you, the concerned parent. With that goal in mind, the questions below represent the most commonly asked questions at Special Services. 

If your questions are not answered below, please feel free to talk with your child's teacher or call (360) 709-7040 and get additional information.

Referral process

How does the referral process work?

A student whether or not enrolled in school, may be referred for a special education evaluation by parents, district staff, a public agency, or other persons knowledgeable about the student.  The following site can be helpful in understanding how to submit a referral for special education.

If at any time you believe your student may need special education, submit your request to the school psychologist at your child's school.  Referrals are required to be in writing unless the person referring is unable to write.  

Download an optional sample form to assist you in submitting a request for an evaluation.  

Once a referral is made, the district referral team, including the parent and general education teacher, must decide within 25 school-days whether or not to evaluate the student to determine if they qualify for special education services.

Who determines if my child is eligible for Special Education Services?

The team involved (which may include a psychologist, occupational therapist, speech language therapist, nurse, general education teacher, parent or others) has 35 school days to complete the evaluation, once signed consent has been received from the child’s parent or guardian. If the student qualifies to receive services either a special education teacher or a therapist will contact the parents to develop an Individual Educational Program (IEP) within 30 calendar days.
What happens if the school district decides not to evaluate my student for special education? 
If a school district decides the information in the referral does not support the need for an evaluation, it must provide you with a Prior Written Notice letter of its decision not to evaluate. The Prior Written Notice must include the reasons why the district does not believe your student needs to be evaluated. 

Special education eligibilty 

Who is eligible to receive the services provided by Tumwater School District Special Services? 

Any qualified individual from birth to age twenty two (22) or until the student graduates from high school.

What determines if my child is eligible for Special Education Services?

The law defines the evaluation criteria and certain handicapping conditions which have been established for eligibility.

What are the handicapping conditions?

There are 14 different handicapping conditions. They are:

Intellectual Disability

Hearing Impairment (including deafness)

Speech or Language Impairment

Visual Impairment (including blindness)

Emotional Disturbance

Orthopedic Impairment


Traumatic Brain Injury

Other Health Impairment

Specific Learning Disability


Multiple Disabilities

Developmental Delay (for students three through eight)

How does a student become eligible for special education services?

A referral must be made which may lead to an evaluation.  If an evaluation occurs the team, including the parent, determines if the data supports eligibility qualification.
After you child begins receiving Special Education Services 
How often must an IEP be developed?

The law requires the development of a new IEP at least once every year (365 days).

How often must an evaluation be done?

The law requires a new evaluation (re-evaluation) be completed every three (3) years. If there are concerns that need to be addressed before this amount of time has elapsed, a reevaluation can be requested.

What happens if a qualified special education student moves to another school district?

It is a very good idea, before moving, to get a copy of the current IEP and Evaluation for your records.  Once your child has been registered, the new district will contact the previous district for an official copy of the current Evaluation and IEP.