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Washington State Immunization law (RCW 28A.210.080; TSD Board Policy 3413; TSD Procedure 3413P) effective August 1, 2020 requires all immunization records must be turned in to the school on or before the first day of attendance and be medically verified. This means immunization records turned in to the school must be from a health care provider, or have attached paperwork from a healthcare provider to the handwritten form that shows student's immunization records are accurate. School attendance requires these records be provided.

Examples of some medically verified immunization records may include:

  • A completed Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) signed by a health care provider, or
  • A CIS filled out by parents/guardian with medical records attached,
  • A CIS printed by a healthcare provider from a Washington State Immunization Information System (WAIIS).
  • A CIS printed from MyIR which is a free Department of Health online tool that allows families to view and print their immunization records after completing the sign-up process.

If an exemption is requested for one of more of the immunization requirements, the school must be provided a complete Certificate of Exemption (COE). Certificate of Exemption

The revised WA State Immunization Exemption Law (effective July 22, 2011) continues to require that all students attending public schools provide proof of immunization and now requires that parents/guardians that want to exempt their child from immunization requirements must submit an updated Certificate of Exemption form for any type of exemption (medical, religious, or philosophical).  The exemption form must be signed by a health care provider stating that the parent/guardian has received information about the benefits and risks of immunization.  The exemption form can be signed by the parent/guardian if they demonstrate membership in a religious body that does not believe in medical treatment by a health care provider.  

Immunization Requirements prior to school attendance (month, day, and year of immunization must be listed for each dose):

  • DTP/DP/DTaP/TD: Five (5) doses of each. Four (4) doses acceptable if the last dose was received on or after the child's fourth birthday and a minimum 6 months from previous dose.
  • Tdap (Tetanus, diptheria, acellular pertussis): All children that are 11 years old and in 7th through 12th grades will need one (1) dose of Tdap.
  • Polio: Four (4) doses. Three (3) doses acceptable if the last dose was received on or after the child's fourth birthday. Not required for students 18 years and older.
  • Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR): Two (2) doses. The measles vaccine must be administered at or after one year of age and separated by at least one month between doses.
  • Hepatitis B: Three (3) doses over a six month period and dose 3 must be given after 24 weeks of age. 2 doses if adult dose of Recombivax HB given between ages 11 and 15.
  • Varicella (Chicken pox): Two (2) doses or Healthcare provider verified disease history.

For information on Getting Vaccines During COVID-19.