FAQ's - Negative Balance
Nutrition Services Meal Charge (negative balance) Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: If meals are now free at my child’s school, why am I being sent a bill?
By law, meals are free at participating schools in TSD effective at the beginning of the 2024-25 school year. The Washington state legislature determines, through a criteria set in law, which schools qualify for the free meal program. Not all TSD schools qualified. In qualifying schools, meal balances owed from dates prior to 9/1/24 are still owed. State and federal regulations require the district to send these past due notices and make efforts to collect these debts owed to the district and its tax-payers.
Q: Why are meals free at some schools and not at others?
The schools eligible to participate in this program are established by the Washington State Legislature. The Tumwater School District supports the expansion of this program to all schools, which would require the legislature to provide further funding to expand the program.
Q: Does the district have a policy to provide alternatives if a student’s balance is negative?
The district can arrange for payment plans and, depending on circumstances, may be able to consider other accommodations. Please contact the Child Nutrition Program team to discuss. Please email Tammi.morgan@tumwater.k12.wa.us to ask about options.
The district sometimes received donations to off-set negative balances. Donors typically specify which school or group of students they want to assist.
Q: How can I make a payment toward the balance owed?
The easiest way to make payments is using our online payments system, which can be accessed here: https://wa-tumwater.intouchreceipting.com/
Payments can also be made by check if mailed to Food Service, 2020 80th ave S.W. Tumwater WA. 98512
Q: Does the school district send delinquent bills to collections?
The school board makes the final determination on whether collections agencies are used. The district has used collection agencies in the past, and current policy allows for this practice going forward.
Q: Why does the district charge for student meals? I already pay taxes.
The funding provided by the state and federal government does not pay the full costs of meals, nor is it designed to. The program is designed to provide free and reduced meals to income-qualifying families, and paid meals for the rest of our students. Payments collected for school meals go to support the Food Service Program so we can continue to serve meals at the lowest possible cost.
Q: I didn’t know I had a negative balance - why wasn’t I notified?
Families with negative balances should be receiving phone calls on Monday & Thursday as long as their balance remains. If you have not been receiving these calls, you may wish to check the accuracy of the phone number and email address on file in your Skyward profile.
You can always check the status of your child’s account by logging into Skyward and click on the ‘food service’ tab.
If I want to donate to the program, who do I call?
Call Bob Gibson, Food Services Supervisor, at 360-709-7740.
District Resources:
· District Policy 6700 (NUTRITION SERVICES MEAL CHARGING) - Tumwater School District (finalsite.net)
· District Procedure 6700P - 6700pnutritionservicesmealchargingmealcharging.pdf (finalsite.net)
District Website for the Food Service Program - Food Services - Tumwater School District #33