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Paying Fines, Fees and Food Service

Paying Fines, Fees and Food Service
Tumwater School District provides an online payment portal to give parents/guardians an opportunity to pay student fines, fees and food service payments online with a credit card. 
Step by Step Instructions for online payments:
  1. Log in to the Payment Portal using your Skyward Family Access username and password
    • All students within your family should be listed. If not, please contact the missing student's school.
  2. Click on the student's name link
    • If an open fine exists, a red message will appear. The fine must be paid before other items can be purchased (except food service payments). 
  3. Using the links on the screen, select either
    • "Pay Fines" (All fines must be paid before other items may be purchased)
      1. Check the box(es) you wish to pay
      2. Click "Pay Selected Fines” button at the bottom of the screen
      3. Select "Checkout" and follow the prompts
    • "Items at Student's School" (Continue to click links until items appear)
      1. Adjust the item quantity as desired
      2. Click Add; you may add as many items as desired. To shop for a different student, click the "Your Family" link at the top of the screen and select a new student name link.
      3. Select "Checkout" and follow the prompts.
      4. No convenience fee will be charged at check out.