Department Staff
Financial Services Staff
Ben Rarick
Assistant Superintendent of Business & Operations
(360) 709-7011
Kira Acker
Director of Finance & Operations
(360) 709-7019
Accounting (360) 709-7010
Pam Jolley
Accounting Manager
Chart of Accounts Maintenance | Journal Entries | Personal Service Contracts | Skyward | Budget Transfers | Grants
(360) 709-7018
Michelle Napoleon
Fiscal Analyst
Accounts Receivable | Accounts Payable | Skyward Expense Claims | Local Receipts | InTouch | Vendor Maintenance
(360) 709-7017
Karen Armour
Office Professional
Accounts Payable | BMO Mastercard | Travel Cards – Employee Travel Requests | Student Accident Reports | Mailroom
(360) 709-7015
Ashleigh Williams
Office Professional
Accounts Payable
(360) 709-7016
Payroll (360) 709-7029
Sarah Nelson
Payroll Coordinator, Classified Employees & Substitutes
(360) 709-7013
Wendy Spengler
Payroll Coordinator, Certificated & Administrative Employees, Certificated Substitutes
(360) 709-7014