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CTE Dual Credit

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Dual Credit is technical college credit earned in high school that gives students a jump start to a college education. Student completing approved technical classes while in high school can earn both high school and college credit simultaneously. In order to receive college credit students must:

  1. meet specific grading criteria for each class which requires a minimum of a grade each semester and
  2. other technical performance competencies outlined by the college

Review the current list of CTE Courses with Dual Credit.

CTE Dual Credit is one way that students can earn college credit while in high school. Visit the Dual Credit = College Credit webpage for more information on other ways students may earn college credit while in high school. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Register for CTE Dual Credit

Obtaining a College Transcript

At the end of a student's senior year, they can request a transcript from the college(s) from which they earned credit.  Each school has their own process.  It is important to keep your SERS login/password to access information or the registration form provided by your teacher.  Follow the instructions provided by each college (which were updated 1.17.25).

Teacher Resources